First Stop – Post 3: Before we leave Córdoba…
#Destination Scotland
The Mezquita had not finished surprising me yet, I was completely satisfied after bathing in the subtle light of 850 Moorish arches, after photographing the curves, playing with the perspective, and finding the longest view. The World was not finished with me! Turning another corner, I discovered the huge Cathedral within the mosque, a passing guide was gesticulating to his audience of two, that here in the nave of the building we could see a symbolism that is totally unique, and very special in today’s world. For here, he explained, the Christian church stretches out over the Moorish building as if embracing it. The guide stretched out his arms as if he was able to reach across the breadth transept and hug the giant pillars on either side.

I did find, after my adventures of the day, that this was the space that offered me more opportunity to rest, and recuperate. I did actually feel more at home here in the ‘new’ Renaissance cathedral, the Capilla Mayor, built over 750 years after the mosque. The tall slim pillars lead the eye upwards in the Mannerist style, rewarding the soul as their lines divide and playfully come together again intertwining at their zenith, as if their combined strength will hold the whole holy structure as one body.

Here I recovered my energy, and enthusiasm for travel. The spirit of the Renaissance gradually seeped out of the walls, greeted me from the sculptures, and smiled down upon me from the high altar, I was reborn myself, after the earlier rebuff, in some way or another. Maybe the marble angel had stretched out its hand to protect me and held back lion prowling around preventing it upsetting me any more?
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