
I was brought up with Fairy, and as soon as I was inducted into dishwashing, I received strict instructions from my mother. "Never squeeze the bottle!" she admonished, "you only need one drop of 'Fairy'".
My Sicilian Grandfather was a luthier, he was able to make lutes and other musical instruments, and opened a music shop in Grindly Street in Edinburgh, he called it, originally, The Music Shop. ... We fled to Fuengirola to lick our wounds after suffering a catastrophic family loss. Now there were only three of us. But during that week in what they now call 'resort' surroundings courtesy of the Sol Melia, I think we did find healing ... So this painting is called 'In The Shadow of the Shard'.
I don't know how many people name their paintings before they are created, but I'm a lazy painter and so ...